APNA Annual Meeting November 22, 2022

APNA will hold its annual meeting on Tuesday, November 22, at 6:30 PM. This meeting will include the elections of officers for next year and topics of interest to the community. Join it on Zoom.

NOTE: Normally, APNA meetings are on the second Tuesday of the month. The APNA board voted to move the APNA annual meeting to November 22. The Board felt that holding the meeting on Election night as normally scheduled would be problematic and reduce turnout. Keeping with Tuesdays the Board decided on the fourth Tuesday.

All Saints Development Neighborhood Meeting November 28 at 6:00 PM

The project developers invite Armory Parkers to a public meeting to discuss the proposed All Saints development located in Armory Park. The meeting will be Monday, November 28 at 6:00 PM on Zoom https://arizona.zoom.us/j/81478228089#success

Background information from the development team:

Continue reading “All Saints Development Neighborhood Meeting November 28 at 6:00 PM”

Tucson Development Center Online

The City has a new on-line permitting process for people planning to make changes to their property. As part of this process, there have been some minor modifications to the Historic process.

·      The Historic application has been combined with the Special Districts application.  The link provides the process that any new applicants will need to follow.

·      Prior to submitting the required documents, applicants will need to register with the Tucson Development Center On-line.  Once registered,  the applicant can submit for their permit.

·      When it is determined that the applicant is in an HPZ/HL and needs to submit Historic, they will be prompted.  Applicants will be able to track the progress of the application in the Tucson Development Center On-line (TDC).

If you have any questions, please contact Jodie Brown, AICP, City of Tucson Historic Preservation Officer, at 520-837-6968 or jodie.brown@tucsonaz.gov .

Downtown Development/Transportation Updates

Here are two PowerPoint presentations from the City on the Infill Incentive District and Transit-Oriented Development. These both have a major impact on our neighborhood. For those who are interested, there will be a Transit-Oriented Development presentation at the Armory Park Center on Friday, March 18, 5-7 PM.

The Infill Incentive District update: https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/pdsd/boards-committees-commissions/PRS/March2022/IID_Update_Presentation_-_3.10.22.pdf

The Transit-Oriented Development presentation: https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/pdsd/boards-committees-commissions/PRS/March2022/eTOD_overview_pres_3-10-22.pdf

375 S Stone Ave Rezoning Proposal

There will be a Neighborhood Meeting Tuesday, November 30 at 6:00 PM to hear about the proposed mixed-use project at 375 S Stone Ave and adjoining properties. The meeting’s physical location will be All Saints’ School at 415 S 6th Ave. The meeting will also be available virtually at https://arizona.zoom.us/j/84743521961

APNA/APHZAB Board Meetings/ Elections November 9!

APNA and APHZAB are each holding a meeting Tuesday at 6:30. See the ZOOM link at the end of this article.

APNA has three main items this month:

1. Presentation by Peach Properties for their proposal for properties that include the old Casa Vicente Restaurant and parking lot (375 S. Stone), the old All Saints Church on the west side of 6th Ave. at 14th St., the old religious education building on the east side of 6th Ave. at 14th St. and the old rectory on the NE corner of 6th Ave. and 15th St. We will have 15 minutes to hear their proposal. Please save your questions for their presentation to the neighborhood and general public that they will announce.

2. Nomination for APNA Officers and beginning of their election. At this meeting we will have the slate presented by the elections committee and take nominations from the floor. All nominations will be entered into the ballot and sent to all members of APNA so they can vote. Please see the email by Vice President Liz Burden for more details of how this will work.

3. Green Infrastructure Committee Report. As promised, the Green Infrastructure Committee will present on future tree trimming in the neighborhood. Please sign in to the meeting to hear the proposal for how to harmoniously have our trees and vegetation pruned correctly and will respect to property owners and pedestrian rights.

The Armory Park Historic Zone Advisory Board will have a short meeting at the start of the APNA meeting.


APNA, APHZAB Challenge Children’s Museum Fence

7/8/21 UPDATE: Good news! At Wednesday’s meeting, the Mayor and Council upheld the Armory Park Historic Zone Advisory Board’s appeal of the Children’s Museum’s plan to fence off 4,000 square feet adjacent to the Museum, closing it to the public. The fence will not be built and the area will remain open to the public.

ORIGINAL POST: A message from Armory Park Historic Zone Advisory Board Chair Martha McClements:

I hope you have seen the announcement concerning the Children’s Museum’s proposal to enclose part of the grass area along 13th Street for private use. 
The Armory Park Historic Zone Advisory Board (APHZAB) voted to appeal the decision of the Planning Director (7 for and 1 opposed) and the Armory Park Neighborhood Association paid the fee out of funds held for Historic Preservation. At the time of the APHZAB meeting in May, we got 14 responses opposed to the fence. At the Plans Review meeting there were several letters in support of the fence. 

The APHZAB appeal has to and is based on Historic Preservation. The other neighborhood concerns raised were placing public property behind a paywall (like the Reid Park Zoo expansion and Barnum Hill) and the lack of public input (the only review process was through the three Historic reviews, two of which opposed the enclosure). Please consider sharing your opinion on this matter (again) with the City Clerk – cityclerk@tucsonaz.gov – by 5pm on July 6 (Tuesday). If you wish to speak, email the City Clerk your request to speak by noon on July 7. Please do not send any comments about this appeal to members of the Mayor and Council. I do ask you to spread the word.

Those who wish to “attend” the meeting may do so at https://www.tucsonaz.gov/gov/mayor-and-council-live?fbclid=IwAR2EFhkMq-rJW_k3rvUsAB7scfqUINjOsKsz_SDX_Vw3EHFbGFpuF200ZbE

The meeting is July 7 at 5:30 PM. The appeal is #10 on the Agenda. https://tucsonaz.onbaseonline.com/1801AgendaOnline/Meetings/ViewMeeting?id=1540&doctype=1

APNA Annual Meeting 11/12/19: Elections, Dusk, Holiday Party, and Sidewalks!

A reminder from APNA Interim President David Bachman-Williams about next week’s important annual meeting:

Hi Armory Parkers.

A week from today is our November Annual Meeting. It is in the St. Andrews Episcopal Church Hall and begins at 6:30 PM.

On the agenda will be elections for Officers and Directors for the Armory Park Board and also for the Armory Park Historic Zone Advisory Board. The DUSK Festival will have been held at the Armory Park over the weekend so we should review our reactions to that event given the email communication that has been taking place on this list serve. (Page Repp from the DUSK Festival and Greg Jackson from the City have requested to be on the December Agenda.  We will have the DUSK Festival on the agenda then as well as now.)

I will give an update on the state of our bylaws in light of a meeting I have with the City of Tucson Neighborhood Services staff. We need to schedule our End of Year Holiday party (time, date, and place). We will have an update on our sidewalk repair situation which is moving forward.

Besides regular reports that is what I know about. Please let me know if you would like anything else on the agenda.

Here is the agenda: APNA Annual Meeting Agenda 11-12-19

Want to Know What’s Happening at the Casa Vicente Lot?

Find out Tuesday night October 1 at 5:30 PM at Saint Andrew’s Parish Hall. The developer’s presentation will be followed by a special meeting of the Armory Park Historic Zone Advisory Board.

Here’s the invitation from Lazarus, Silvyn & Bangs, PC: Neigh Mtg Notice10-01-19