
Armory Park listserv – If you live, work, or own property in the Armory Park Neighborhood (Broadway – 19th St, Stone – Jacobus), you may want to join the Armory Park listserv. Please email your full name, address, phone number, and email address to   You will be added to the listserv and receive neighborhood information in return.

To post to the listserv, address the email to  Only listserv members are allowed to post.

Advertising of products and services may be done on a very limited basis – once a month or less often is preferred.  Please respond directly to the poster, not to the group, if you are interested in the product or service being offered.  Religious institutions may announce events with a follow-up reminder.  Political posts are forbidden.  Notifications of political events are acceptable under limited circumstances.   For events like yard sales, 2 posts (1 in advance and a reminder the day of the sale) are permissible.  It is expected that yard sales will occur no more than once or twice a year per household.   Personal disagreements are prohibited on the listserv. Only listserv members are allowed to post.

APdS – Armory Park del Sol is the term commonly used to describe the development of  homes (and the HOA) in the northeast of the APNA area eastof S. 3rd Ave. Residents may elect to become members of APNA.

APHZAB – The Armory Park Historic Zone Advisory Board is an official city entity which advises city building officials on matters related to our historic zone. Most changes to the exterior of any Armory Park structure must be reviewed by this board. There is a similar city/county board which will then make its review.

APNA – The Armory Park Neighborhood Association is composed of members who pay a small membership fee, the body authorized by the city to represent and serve the interests of the AP community. It is governed by a Board of Directors elected by association members at an annual meeting.

HOA – A Homeowners Association is the organization created to manage the common interests of its subdivision. Armory Park itself does not have an HOA. The Armory Park del Sol neighborhood does.

HPZ – Historic Preservation Zone.


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